2012 RENAULT MEGANE 1.5 DIESEL - ECU. 237100121R
-If you buy this item, you accept all our terms and conditions. If you do not accept our terms and conditions, please do not buy.
-Please check part number and photos before you buy the item. If you are not sure if item fits for you, please contact us.
-Please check item photos to see surface damages (scratches, cracks, breakages, etc) before buying the item.
-If you bought the item, you agree and pledge to make payment for it within 72 hours.
-All photos are our property.
-Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges a...
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2012 RENAULT MEGANE 1.5 DIESEL - ECU. 237100121R
-If you buy this item, you accept all our terms and conditions. If you do not accept our terms and conditions, please do not buy.
-Please check part number and photos before you buy the item. If you are not sure if item fits for you, please contact us.
-Please check item photos to see surface damages (scratches, cracks, breakages, etc) before buying the item.
-If you bought the item, you agree and pledge to make payment for it within 72 hours.
-All photos are our property.
-Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility.
-Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.
-We can ship parts to every country all over the world, if there is no your countrys shipping price on the list, please contact us before buying, we will calculate if it be possible.
-Delivery time depends by your country, if you need information about it, please contact us.
-Faulty parts will be replaced or you will be refunded, however, you must acknowledge us about any faults of the parts immediately after receipt of the item.
-Return shipping is at buyers expense
-It is the customers responsibility to pay for shipping and ship the item back to us.
-The item has to be returned in an original condition (undamaged) & well packed.
-Please note that you can return only the same item youve bought. All our dispatched items are secretly marked to eliminate dishonest buyers.
-Items are being shipped according to Paypal address. We will not take responsibility for any incorrect or undeliverable address.
-If your package is lost in transit, a replacement or refund will only be issued after a lost claim has been approved by the shipping company.
-All return requests must be made within 14 days after receiving the order.
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